Policies of the Silver Buccle Herald


A. Armoury

All armoury submissions (devices, badges, resubmissions, appeals) must include one color copy and one black-and-white copy. Black-and-white copies should not be photocopies of color copies. They should be copies made before anything is colored. If documentation is needed, please include one copy of all substantiating documentation, including book title pages. All submissions should be signed by a rostered herald.

B. Names

All name submissions (new, resubmissions, and appeals) must include one copy of the original form and one copy of all substantiating documentation, including book title pages.

C. Payment information

Each submission (a name, device, or badge) costs $6.00. Resubmissions are free for up to one year following notification of the submitter of the return of the original submission. Checks should be written to "SCA PA, INC. - ÆTHELMEARC COLLEGE OF HERALDS." The Silver Buccle office prefers not to accept cash --checks or money orders are strongly encouraged.

D. Handling cash

If a herald must accept cash for a submission, he or she must provide the submitter with a written receipt, dated and signed.

E. Branch names and armoury

All branch name and armoury submissions must follow the policies outlined above. Submissions involving the name or arms of an active branch must include evidence of support for the action on the part of a majority of the active members of the branch. In the case of branches with no ruling noble, this support may be demonstrated by a petition of a majority of the populace and officers or by a petition of the seneschal and at least three-quarters of the other local officers. In the case of branches with ruling nobles, such petitions must also include a statement of support from the ruling noble. Evidence of support is not required for award names, branch badges, or guild names. Groups are expected to pay for heraldic submissions out of the group account, not from a member's personal funds.


A. Timeliness of transfer to Garnet Herald

Heralds will make every effort to process submissions in a timely manner. Submissions should be in the hands of the Garnet Herald within 14 days of payment.

B. Internal letters of intent

Submissions will appear on the next Internal Letter of Intent published after their receipt by the Garnet Herald. Letters of Intent will be published at least every two months; every effort will be made to publish them on a monthly basis.

C. Client notification

The Garnet Herald will inform the client via letter when decisions are made regarding the submission at Kingdom and Laurel level.


A. Silver Buccle checking account

Silver Buccle Herald is responsible for the maintenance of the Silver Buccle checking account. In the maintenance of the account, Silver Buccle Herald will adhere to the policies of the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer. Per Kingdom financial policy, no herald except the Silver Buccle Herald may maintain a separate account for submission monies.

B. Financial reporting

Heralds who accept submission funds must report these funds to the Silver Buccle Herald as part of their bi-annual reports (see section VI). All heralds who channel submission funds through their local group bank account or receive reimbursement for submission-related expenses must provide a quarterly accounting of funds to their local exchequers. The Silver Buccle Herald must provide an accounting of money in accordance with Kingdom financial policy.


A. Appointing staff

Silver Buccle Herald may appoint such staff as he or she feels necessary for the operation of the office.

B. Silver Buccle staff titles

The following titles are available for use by the Silver Buccle office: Silver Buccle Herald, Sycamore Herald, Golden Alce Herald, Keystone Herald, Cornelian Herald, Garnet Herald, Fleur of Æthelmearc Herald, Millrind Herald, Scarlet Guard Herald, Gage Herald, Seedling Herald, Jewel of Æthelmearc Herald, Sigil Herald, Silver Alce Herald, Golden Stirrup Herald, White Horn Herald, Golden Thorn Herald, and Golden Escarbuncle Herald. 


A. Membership requirements

All members of the Æthelmearc College of Heralds must be paid members of the SCA in good standing, as per Corpora.

B. Term for Silver Buccle and staff

Silver Buccle's term of office is per Kingdom Law. All Silver Buccle staff members' terms of office correspond to Silver Buccle's term; Silver Buccle may, however, choose to replace any staff member at any time.

C. Term for branch pursuivants and pursuivants-at-large

All branch pursuivants and pursuivants-at-large are rostered by the Silver Buccle office. Terms of local pursuivants are per their local group's policy. Local pursuivants must notify Silver Buccle when they acquire or step down from a local pursuivant position.


A. Local Pursuivants

Local pursuivants must report on a quarterly basis to their respective Regional Deputy, or to Silver Buccle if the Regional Deputy position for their Region is vacant. These reports are due by the following dates:

If additional time is required, a request for an extension can be submitted to the Regional Herald and Silver Buccle no later than the above due date.

Repeated failure to abide by this policy may be grounds for removal from office.

B. At-large Pursuivants

At-large pursuivants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to report to their respective Regional Deputy at least bi-annually, by May 10 and November 10 as above.

C. Senior Staff

All members of the senior staff, including Regional Deputies, must report on a quarterly basis to Silver Buccle. These reports are due by the 20th of February, May, August and November. If additional time is required, a request for an extension can be submitted to Silver Buccle no later than the above due date.

Repeated failure to abide by this policy may be grounds for removal from office.

D. Court Reports

Royal Court Reports should be published to the Kingdom no later than 14 days after the Court. In order to facilitate this, a Court conducted by a herald other than Silver Buccle or Jewel of Æthelmearc should be submitted to both Silver Buccle and Jewel of Æthelmearc no later than 10 days after the Court. Jewel of Æthelmearc will distribute copies to the Kingdom announcement email list, the Æthelmearc Gazette, the Kingdom Chronicler, Golden Alce Herald, and any others that request copies.

Baronial Court Reports should be sent to Silver Buccle and Golden Alce; Silver Buccle will distribute them further as necessary.

Court reports must include the following information: date, location, and event name; presiding Royalty/Baronage; SCA name of presiding and reporting herald; order of awards; the SCA name of each recipient; award given; whether a scroll was received; and the name of the scribe.


The Silver Buccle Office will maintain an up-to-date Kingdom Order of Precedence. The OP will be kept primarily in a digital format, and may be viewed through the Kingdom's web page. Printed copies of the Order of Precedence will be made available to local Seneschals upon request to the Silver Buccle Herald.


Each Region shall have a library of resource materials for name and heraldry research, owned by the AEthelmearc College of Heralds.
  1. Each Regional Deputy is responsible for:
    1. Maintaining the contents of the library.
    2. Providing Silver Buccle with a yearly inventory of the Library, including: standard bibliographical information, condition of documents (ie. “new”, “missing cover”, “photocopy in binder”), an accounting of items lost /missing since the previous report.
    3. Providing the populace and local heralds with access to the contents of the library.
    4. Expanding on the library by making purchases as appropriate per policy, with College funds as available. Donations from individuals may also be accepted.
  2. Funding for Regional Libraries is at the discretion of the Silver Buccle in consultation with the College Exchequer and Garnet Submissions Herald.
  3. Purchasing guidelines:
    1. Only designated Regional Deputy Heralds are authorized to make purchases on behalf of the College for their Regional Library. 
    2. Regional Deputies should make purchasing decisions based on the particular cultural interests /needs of the populace residing within the region.
    3. Receipts for purchased new/used books or photocopies of out-of-print books must be provided to the College Exchequer prior to reimbursement. No funds will be issued without a receipt.
    4. Standard bibliographical information and a description of the condition of each acquisition should be sent to Silver Buccle, Garnet and the College Exchequer within 30 days.
    5. New/ used books or photocopies of out-of-print books on the Laurel College of Arms “no photocopy” list are always acceptable.


No policy of this office supersedes, or will be assumed or interpreted to supersede, the Administrative Guidelines of the Laurel Sovereign of Arms and College of Arms or Corpora.